Primary Intravenous Infusion
- Primary line tubing
- Saline flush
- Alcohol pads
- Medication/fluids
- Wash hands
- Introduce self
- Identify patient (use 2 identifiers)
- Allergies – don’t forget food allergies
- Plan of care
- Assess patient
- Verify order with MAR and collect supplies. Remember 7 rights of medication administration.
- Teach patient about purpose of treatment and procedure.
- Perform hand hygiene.
- Ensure patency of IV.
- Insert IV if needed (follow steps of inserting IV line).
- Prepare IV tubing and solution for infusion.
- Make sure roller clamp is closed on primary tubing prior to spiking.
- Maintaining sterility, remove the sheath over the fluid port on the fluid bag and the sheath from IV tubing spike and spike the fluid bag using a twisting motion.
- Hang fluid bag.
- Compress and fill drip chamber one-third to half-way full.
- Open clamp slowly and slowly prime tubing with solution.
- Ensure entire tubing is clear of air bubbles.
- Insert tubing into IV pump and set up infusion rate according to physician order.
- Connect primary tubing to IV catheter extension after cleaning connection site with alcohol and ensuring patency. Make sure all clamps are now open.
- Ensure primary line is infusing correctly.
- Dispose of supplies and wash hands.
- Document