Primary Intravenous Infusion


  • Primary line tubing
  • Saline flush
  • Alcohol pads
  • Medication/fluids


  1. WIIAPA:
    1. Wash hands
    2. Introduce self
    3. Identify patient (use 2 identifiers)
    4. Allergies – don’t forget food allergies
    5. Plan of care
    6. Assess patient

  2. Verify order with MAR and collect supplies. Remember 7 rights of medication administration.
  3. Teach patient about purpose of treatment and procedure.
  4. Perform hand hygiene.
  5. Ensure patency of IV.
  6. Insert IV if needed (follow steps of inserting IV line).
  7. Prepare IV tubing and solution for infusion.
  8. Make sure roller clamp is closed on primary tubing prior to spiking.
  9. Maintaining sterility, remove the sheath over the fluid port on the fluid bag and the sheath from IV tubing spike and spike the fluid bag using a twisting motion.
  10. Hang fluid bag.
  11. Compress and fill drip chamber one-third to half-way full.
  12. Open clamp slowly and slowly prime tubing with solution.
  13. Ensure entire tubing is clear of air bubbles.
  14. Insert tubing into IV pump and set up infusion rate according to physician order.
  15. Connect primary tubing to IV catheter extension after cleaning connection site with alcohol and ensuring patency. Make sure all clamps are now open.
  16. Ensure primary line is infusing correctly.
  17. Dispose of supplies and wash hands.
  18. Document