The ECU College of Nursing Collaboratory offers mentorship and technical assistance for building partnerships and operating highly effective intra-professional teams. Our goal is to enhance collaboration among PhD and DNP prepared scholars and students to strengthen the design, implementation, and translation of socio-structural research broadly into practice. We aim to harness the complementary competencies of PhD and DNP scholars to foster knowledge generation and application in way that is not possible when attempted through a singular approach to scholarship. Importantly, too, intra-professional collaboration among faculty members in both teaching and scholarship offers important role modeling for learners and helps socialize nursing scholars to embrace such partnerships as core to their professional identify.
Grant writing review services
We provide proposal review service with individualized feedback on any grant proposal (intramural or extramural) focused on addressing the socio-structural drivers of health in eastern North Carolina or beyond. Before you submit your draft proposal for review, we can offer guidance on addressing the funding announcement criteria. Once you submit a draft of your full proposal, we will offer evaluative feedback on how fully your proposal addresses the criteria and offer suggestions for improvement.