Administering Blood Products
- Blood Tubing
- Blood (verified from blood bank)
- Gloves
- Normal Saline
- Equipment for Vital Signs
- Another Nurse for Verification
- Verify Order
- Wash hands
- Introduce self
- Identify patient (use 2 identifiers)
- Allergies – don’t forget food allergies
- Plan of care
- Assess patient
- Educate Patient of Procedure
- Check that patient has completed and signed transfusion consent
- Check patency and gauge of IV
- Obtain Blood Tubing and Normal Saline and organize on clean, clutter free bedside stand or over bed table
- If ordered, give pre-medication
- Take Vital Signs (pre-transfusion vitals)
- Obtain blood component from blood bank
- Verify order with blood bank, switch and repeat verification
- At patient’s bedside, Verify blood with another RN identifying:
- Patient using at least two identifiers
- Blood component received matches what the MD ordered
- Transfusion record number and patient’s ID number match (MRN)
- Unit number on blood bag and unit number on blood tag match
- Blood type of patient matches blood type received
- Expiration date and time
- Switch and repeat by both RNs
- Perform hand hygiene and prime tubing with Normal Saline
- Connect tubing to blood product
- Prime tubing with blood product to distal end of tubing, stopping just before blood is at the end of the tubing.
- Maintaining asepsis, attach primed tubing to patient’s IV after cleansing the catheter hub
- Set infusion rate at 120mL/hr for initial 15 minutes.
- Watch patient for the first 15 minutes for reaction
- Take vital signs at 15 minutes
- If there is a reaction:
- If no reaction after 15 minutes, increase infusion rate to 200mL/hr if tolerated by patient. Remember, blood can hang for no more than 4 hours from when it began infusing.
- After infusion, take Vital Signs & flush IV site.
- Dispose of supplies
- Hand Hygiene
- Document
Reference: Laplante, N., Perry, A.G, Potter, P.A., & Ostendorf, W.R. (2022). Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques (10th ed., pp. 1178-1184). Elsevier