Pirate Nurse Notes: Fall 2018
From the Dean Dear Friends, We've had many exciting developments since our last issue of Pirate Nurse Notes. It's been a busy summer and fall here at the college! We...
From the Dean Dear Friends, We've had many exciting developments since our last issue of Pirate Nurse Notes. It's been a busy summer and fall here at the college! We...
Faculty member Kathleen Sitzman was named by Dr. Jean Watson as a Distinguished Watson Caring Science Scholar for initiating, developing and implementing "Caring Sciences and Mindful Practices," a web-based course focused on...
From the Dean Dear Friends, There are lots of great things happening in the College of Nursing as we continue to meet our commitment to maximize student success, serve the...
From the Dean Dear Friends, The beginning of a new school year is the perfect time to evaluate the progress we've made toward our goals and to begin working on...