Shannon Alley
Family Nurse Practitioner Student

Family Nurse Practitioner Student Shannon Alley
- Shannon Alley is enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice Family Nurse Practitioner program at East Carolina University with an anticipated graduation date of July 2023.
- Alley has been a Registered Nurse for 17 years with an Associate Degree in Nursing obtained in 2005 from Southeastern Community College in Whiteville, NC. She has received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from The University of North Carolina Wilmington in 2018.
- Alley’s experience includes working in two area hospitals on Medical Surgical units, the Hemodialysis unit, and as a pre-operative nurse. Has served as charge nurse and a preceptor in those positions. Has also worked as an outpatient hemodialysis nurse and as an inpatient peritoneal dialysis nurse. Alley has extensive experience in long term care providing assessments for skilled nursing residents. Currently employed at Bladen County Hospital and as a home care Supervisor for Interim Healthcare.
- As a third generation farmer Alley has high respect for the rural community. As a rural scholar, Alley hopes to serve as a leader in her geographical area and meet the healthcare needs of her community.