Amy Brown Price
Family Nurse Practitioner Student

Family Nurse Practitioner Student Amy Brown Price
- Amy Brown Price is Enrolled in East Carolina University’s BSN-DNP Family Nurse Practitioner program. Her credentials include ADN from Rockingham Community College and BSN from University of North Carolina, Greensboro.
- Price’s Experience includes 8.5 years as a nurse in a large, Urban Emergency Department, 1 year working float pool for 3 Emergency Departments, 3 years working in a Level II trauma/ Pediatric Emergency Department, 2 years working with an IV team in a large urban hospital, and 4 years working in a outpatient surgery center in the PRE/POST/PACU areas.
- Price has always wanted to be a nurse and she decided to further her education and become a nurse practitioner. Living in a on rural blueberry farm, she seeks to transition to an outpatient provide role caring for those of all ages and backgrounds within her community, post-graduation.