College of Nursing Hall of Fame Nomination
The ECU College of Nursing Hall of Fame recognizes the accomplishments of our exemplary nursing graduates and faculty members. Induction into the Hall of Fame is a way for the college to publicly acknowledge and express thanks to our alumni and to our present or former faculty members who have reflected great credit upon our college, and is one of the highest honors bestowed by the ECU College of Nursing.
Criteria for inclusion in the College of Nursing Hall of Fame:
- Have a history of exceptional accomplishments in nursing practice, education, research, and/or administration.
- Have a demonstrated history of community service and involvement.
- Be a College of Nursing alumni and/or be a present or former College of Nursing faculty member.
- Have practiced as a registered nurse for a minimum of ten years.
The College of Nursing Hall of Fame supports the education of future Pirate Nurses, so each nomination must be accompanied by a minimum $1,000 tax-deductible nomination fee which is a gift to the College of Nursing Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund.
Current members of the Hall of Fame are encouraged to support the Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund annually in any amount. Such tax-deductible gifts can be made online or by check per directions below. The Hall of Fame Scholarships are very coveted among our students.
Click Here to see Hall of Fame Members
How It Works
The College of Nursing Hall of Fame Board of Directors solicits nominations of new inductees every year. Anyone may nominate. Nominators can be nurses, other healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations, Hall of Fame members, or any person. Selected nominees are inducted and receive a flame glass award (engraved with the name of the honoree) at the annual spring Hall of Fame Ceremony hosted by the College of Nursing and the ECU Health Foundation. In addition, the inductee’s name will be added to the Hall of Fame membership list displayed at the College of Nursing. Hall of Fame members are also recognized on the College of Nursing Hall of Fame web page.
What Your Gift Supports
All donations to the College of Nursing Hall of Fame support merit-based Hall of Fame scholarships only. This prestigious scholarship program helps attract the best and brightest students to the East Carolina University College of Nursing. There is one such designated scholarship for an undergraduate student and for a graduate student each year.
How to Nominate
All nominations with their accompanying donations are due by November 1st of each year. Nominations are either made by one individual or by a group. Group nominations cannot do online gifts. For group nominations, the nominator is responsible for submitting the full nomination and collecting all donations prior to submitting the nomination form. Group Nominators maintain a list of the group’s membership so if the nominee becomes an inductee, the group nominator can provide a list of whom to thank. Checks can be mailed at one time by the nominator to Elizabeth at the foundation address or nominator can contact Elizabeth and she will pick them up. A sole nominator submits their online nomination with their online payment.
The CON Hall of Fame Board of Directors will review nominations and select recipients who will be inducted at the spring Hall of Fame Ceremony. Selected nominees will be notified by Dean Akintade and the Hall of Fame Board Chair by the end of February.
Step 1. Complete the Hall of Fame nomination form
Step 2. Upload your nominee’s curriculum vitae (CV) on this form or email it to
Step 3. Credit/Debit cards: complete Online Payment Form. Be sure to complete “Additional Options” at bottom of online payment form to ensure financial support is tied to your nominee.
A donation of $1000 automatically qualifies the individual donor for annual ECU Chancellor’s Society Membership.
Checks should be made payable to: “ECU Health Foundation” and include on the memo line: “CON HOF [Nominee’s Name]”
Please arrange with Elizabeth for pickup/delivery or mail the check to:
Elizabeth Maxwell
ECU Health Foundation
690 Medical Drive, PO Box 8489
Greenville, NC 27835
Questions about the Hall of Fame:
Elizabeth Maxwell, Dir. Of Dev.
919-330-6603 (cell)
Download the printable version of the nomination form, if you prefer to mail in with your nomination check and nominee’s CV.