How to Apply to ECU & RN/BSN

Occasionally we are able to extended our admission deadlines, if you are interested in our program and it is after the admissions deadline please contact our office.

Taking the first step to begin our academic journey is as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Taking the first step to being your academic journey is easy! The ECU College of Nursing offers assistance to prospective student by completing an unofficial review of your transcripts ECU Admissions then completes the official transfer evaluation and awards transfer credit when you apply to admission to ECU.
  2. Complete your prerequisite courses. The prerequisite courses can be taken at ECU, a community college, or a regionally accredited college or university.
  3. As you are completing the last of any prerequisite course that may be needed

Students cannot be admitted to the RN to BSN option without admission to the University.

Application Deadlines

  • Fall Cohort: February 1st– July 1st
  • Spring Cohort: September 1st– December 1st

Application forms, official transcripts, and questions regarding admission to the university should be directed to:

Undergraduate Admissions:
Email: or
Phone: (252) 328-6640